Wizard Outfit
Wizard Outfit :
Os Wizard Outfits estão disponíveis para todos os jogadores Premium Account. Apenas os addons estão incluídos nessa quest.
Máscara de Caveira (homem)/Tiara de Cobra (mulher)
Equipamento Requerido
- Vá para Lugri, ao norte de Thais, abaixo da terra (aqui). Cuidado com Bonelords e Ghouls.
- Pergunte sobre o seu "outfit". Ele irá lhe contrar que apenas verdadeiros seguidores de Zathroth podem usar a máscara de caveira e irá lhe perguntar se você deseja provar sua dedicação.
- Após você ter provado sua dedicação sacrificando todos os items, você poderá usar a máscara de caveira.
jogador: Hi
Lugri: What do you want, jogador?
jogador: Outfit
Lugri: This skull shows that you are a true follower of Zathroth and the glorious gods of darkness. Are you willing to prove your loyalty?
jogador: Yes
Lugri: It will be a hard task which requires many sacrifices. Do you still want to proceed?
'jogador: Yes
Lugri: Good decision, <name>. Your first sacrifice will be a medusa shield. Bring it to me and do give it happily.
jogador: Medusa shield
Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a medusa shield to Zathroth?
jogador: Yes
Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The second sacrifice I require from you is a dragon scale mail. Bring it to me and do give it happily.
jogador: Hi
Lugri: What do you want, player?
jogador: Dragon Scale Mail
Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a dragon scale mail to Zathroth?
jogador: Yes
Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The third sacrifice I require from you are crown legs. Bring them to me and do give them happily.
jogador: Hi
Lugri: What do you want, player?
jogador: Crown Legs
Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice crown legs to Zathroth?
jogador: Yes
Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. The last sacrifice I require from you is a ring of the sky. Bring it to me and do give it happily.
jogador: Hi
Lugri: What do you want, player?
jogador: Ring of the Sky
Lugri: Is it your true wish to sacrifice a ring of the sky to Zathroth?
jogador: Yes
Lugri: Good. I accept your sacrifice. You have proven that you are a true follower of Zathroth and do not hesitate to sacrificeworldly goods. Thus, I will reward you with this headgear.
Ombreiras de Caveira (homem)/Asas (mulher)
Equipamento Requerido
- Deve ter completado o primeiro addon (máscara de caveira/tiara de cobra)
- 50 Holy Orchids
- Você pode coletar os itens antes de começar essa quest. Para salvar tempo, você é aconselhado a coletar os itens antes de conversar com o NPC.
- Colete Holy Orchids de Elf Arcanists
- Vá paraThe Queen Of The Banshees , embaixo de Ghostlands
- Pergunte para ela sobre um "addon"
- Ela irá lhe dizer que ela está cansada do cheiro da morte, e gostaria de sentir o cheiro de algo bom apenas uma vez.
- Leve 50 Holy Orchids e ela te recompensará com o addon.
jogador: hi
The Queen Of The Banshees: Be greeted, dear visitor. Ahhh... I can sense darkness inside your soul... are you a follower of Zathroth?
jogador: addon
The Queen Of The Banshees: Say... I have been longing for something for an eternity now... if you help me retrieve it, I will reward you. Do you consent to this arrangement?
jogador': yes
The Queen Of The Banshees: Listen... there are no blooming flowers down here and the only smell present is that of death and decay. ...
The Queen Of The Banshees: I wish that I could breathe the lovely smell of beautiful flowers just one more time, especially those which elves cultivate. ...
The Queen Of The Banshees: Could you please bring me 50 holy orchids?
jogador: yes
The Queen Of The Banshees: Thank you. I will wait for your return.
jogador: hi
The Queen Of The Banshees: Be greeted, dear visitor. Ahhh... I can sense darkness inside your soul... are you a follower of Zathroth?
jogador: holy orchid
The Queen Of The Banshees: Have you really brought me 50 holy orchids?
jogador: yes
The Queen Of The Banshees: Thank you! You have no idea what that means to me. As promised,here is your reward... as a follower of Zathroth, I hope that you will like this accessory.