Beggar Outfit
Beggar Outfit :
Equipamento Requerido
- Para economizar tempo, é melhor coletar os itens antes de começar a quest.
- Colete Brown Pieces of Cloth de Ghouls.
- Colete Minotaur Leathers de Minotaurs.
- Colete Bat Wings de Bats.
- Colete Heaven Blossoms de Elfos e Elf Scouts.
- Fale com Hugo em Venore sobre o novo "outfit".
- Ele ficará inspirado em fazer modelos de roupa nova, mas precisa de materiais.
- Dê a ele os itens e ele fará o novo outfit para você.
- Volte depois que ele terminar de fazer a roupa( 24 horas em tempo real, não no tempo do tibia), e você poderá vestir.
jogador: hi.
Hugo: Be greeted, jogador!
jogador: outfit.
Hugo: I think I'm having an innovative vision! I feel that people are getting tired of attempting to look wealthy and of displaying their treasures. ...
Hugo: A really new and innovative look would be - the 'poor man's look'! I can already see it in front of me... yes... a little ragged... but not too shabby! ...
Hugo: I need material right now! Argh - the vision starts to fade... please hurry, can you bring me some stuff?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Good! Listen, I need the following material - first, 20 pieces of brown cloth, like the worn and ragged ghoul clothing. ...
Hugo: Secondly, 50 pieces of minotaur leather. Third, I need bat wings, maybe 10. And 30 heaven blossoms, the flowers elves cultivate....
Hugo: Have you noted down everything and will help me gather the material?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Terrific! What are you waiting for?! Start right away to gather 20 pieces of brown cloth and come back once you have them!
jogador: hi.
Hugo: Be greeted, jogador!
jogador: 20 brown pieces of cloth.
Hugo: Ah! Have you brought 20 pieces of brown cloth?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Yes, yes, that's it! Very well, now I need 50 pieces of minotaur leather to continue.
jogador: 50 minotaur leathers.
Hugo: Were you able to obtain 50 pieces of minotaur leather?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Great! This leather will suffice. Now, please, the 10 bat wings.
jogador: 10 bat wings
Hugo: Did you get me the 10 bat wings?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Hooray! These bat wings are ugly enough. Now the last thing: Please bring me 30 heaven blossoms to neutralise the ghoulishstench.
jogador: 30 heaven blossoms.
Hugo: Is this the lovely smell of 30 heaven blossoms?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: This is it! I will immediately start to work on this outfit. Come back in a day or something... then my new creation will be born!
jogador: bye.
Hugo: Good bye, player.
jogador: hi.
Hugo: Be greeted, jogador!
jogador: outfit.
Hugo: Eureka! Alas, the poor man's outfit is finished, but... to be honest... it turned out much less appealing than I expected. However,you can have it if you want, okay?
jogador: yes.
Hugo: Here you go. Maybe you enjoy if after all.
Barba (masculino), Vestido (feminino)
Equipamento Requerido
- Para economizar tempo, é melhor coletar os itens antes de começar a quest.
- Visite Simon the Beggar no sul de Fibula e o pergunte sobre seu "outfit". Ele lhe falará que pode fazer uma poção mágica para fazer sua barba crescer, mas irá custar 100 ape furs e 20,000 gp.
- Dê a ele o dinheiro e os itens
- Assim que você tiver dado os 100 ape furs e 20,000 gp, fale "Hi" para o Simon, seguido de "Addon". Ele irá borrifar a poção mágina em você, e a partir desse ponto espere pelo menos 120 horas reais para a poção "ter efeito". 120 horas equivalem a 5 dias reais .
- Retorne para Simon the Beggar e mencione sobre o "addon". Ele lhe dirá o qual bonita sua barba está, e você poderá usar o addon.
Diálogo masculinos
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Outfit
Simon the Beggar: Haha, that beard is - well, not fake, but there's a trick behind it. I noticed people tend to be more generous towards a poor gramps. Want to know my trick?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: I can mix a secret potion which will increase your facial hair growth enormeously. I call it 'Instabeard'. However, it requires certain ingredients. ...
Simon the Beggar: For the small fee of 20000 gold pieces I will help you mix this potion. Just bring me 100 pieces of ape fur, which are necessary to create this potion. ...
Simon the Beggar: Do we have a deal?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Great! Come back to me once you have the 100 pieces of ape fur and I'll do my part of the deal.
jogador: Bye
Simon the Beggar: Have a nice day.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: 100 ape fur
Simon the Beggar: Have you brought me the 100 pieces of ape fur and 20000 gold pieces?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Ahh! Very good. I will start mixing the potion immediately. Come back later. Bye bye.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Beard
Simon the Beggar: Hmm, I'm not done yet with your potion. But here, let me sprinkle a few drops of my own potion on your face... there you go. Now you just have to wait.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Beard
Simon the Beggar: Hmm, hmmm, I think you already have a little more hair than the last time I saw you. Just be patient and don't shave. I'm gonna check the progress for you.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Addon
Simon the Beggar: Aha! I can see it! Now that you've waited patiently without shaving, your beard is perfect! All thanks to my, err, potion. Yes. Goodbye!
Diálogo feminino
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Beard
Simon the Beggar: Haha, that beard is - well, not fake, but there's a trick behind it. I noticed people tend to be more generous towards a poor gramps. Want to know my trick?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: I can mix a secret potion which increases facial hair growth enormeously. I call it 'Instabeard'. However, I fear it works only for men. ...
Simon the Beggar: Even if it worked on girls, I'd rather not be responsible for you ruining your pretty face. I have an idea though. If you help me brew one of these potions, I sell something nice to you. ...
Simon the Beggar: I still have a pretty gipsy dress and a pearl necklace somewhere, which you could wear instead of this ragged skirt. For the small fee of 20000 gold pieces, it'd be yours. ...
Simon the Beggar: You only have to bring me 100 pieces of ape fur, so I can brew the potion. Do we have a deal?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Great! Come back to me once you have the 100 pieces of ape fur and I'll do my part of the deal.
jogador: Bye
Simon the Beggar: Have a nice day.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: 100 Ape Fur
Simon the Beggar: Have you brought me the 100 pieces of ape fur and 20000 gold pieces?
jogador: Yes
Simon the Beggar: Ahh! Very good. I will start mixing the potion immediately and sell it to some poor foo- eh, man. Goodbye.
jogador: Hi
Simon the Beggar: Hello jogador. I am a poor man. Please help me.
jogador: Gypsy Dress
Simon the Beggar: Oh, I'm sorry... I almost forgot! Okay, okay... here is your promised dress. I'm sure it will look so much better on you than on me- I mean, my, err, sister.
Equipamento Requerido
- Você tem que completar o addon da barba primeiro.
- Fale com Simon the Beggar ao sul de Fibula e pergunte sobre seu "staff"
- Ele irá lhe falar que você não pode ter esse staff, mas ele lhe dará um staff se você trouxer de volta seu "staff favorito"
- Vá apra a Hero Cave no norte de Edron (aqui e siga o caminho abaixo:
Desça apenas um pouco nesse andar e entre à direita (a sala à esquerda é a Triple UH Rune Quest). Deça a escada dois andares até a utima sala e recupere o staff perdido. Tem Monks, Stone Golems e Priestesss nessa sala.
- Leve o staff até Simon e ele lhe dará o staff atual como addon para você.